Jon Bon Jovi Wrote Them an Excuse Note

A band called The Contagious was picked to open for BON JOVI in Dallas last Monday . . . but there was one problem.  The members are sophomores in HIGH SCHOOL . . . and they had classes that day.

So, JON BON JOVI wrote them a permission slip to get them the day off.  It said, quote, "To whom it may concern, please excuse the members of The Contagious for being absent from school . . .

"They were busy being my opening act and kicking butt." 

(Here's a photo of the band with Jon, and here's the note.)

(The Contagious aren't just a random high school band.  They've been getting a lot of local press, and seem to be an up and coming act.  Check them out at TheContagious.Rocks.)

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